The Giving Grants by the Foundation are in full swing!
Our Giving Grants program is well underway, and our people will be able to participate in November – through voting! Giving Grants will provide 5 x $15,000 financial grants to five amazing charities as voted by our people!
- Charities applied to receive a $15,000 grant from us (September-October)
- Charities were shortlisted by our people down to 10 finalists (October)
- These finalists are currently submitting videos which explain why they deserve the grant (the videos are arriving as we speak!)
And the most important dates.... Wednesday 2 November – Wednesday 16 November: our people will be able to watch videos and read about the top 10 charity finalists and VOTE on who they want to fund
- Videos of the charities will be a short 1-2 minutes
- Watching all the videos, reading the bios and voting should only take 15 minutes of your valuable time
Indigenous Business Month
This month was Indigenous Business Month where we featured our cyber-security license provider Baidam Solutions (an Indigenous owned business) and our relationship with them.
Additionally we featured Nitmiluk Tours which is a First Nation cultural tourism offering which Flight Centre Brand offers to customers!
If you'd like to purchase from an Indigenous Business this month, we also featured Welcome to Country - the only not-for-profit marketplace supporting First Nations products.
International Day of the Girl
FCM Meetings & Events featured the Pyjama Foundation, one of our Purpose Partners, for International Day of the Girl and ran a fundraiser for them!
You can view some of the content created via the FCM Meetings & Events LinkedIn page and a full rundown here.
Want to learn more about The Pyjama Foundation? Head to their website.